Well there are many joy’s to being a Father, and taking the little guy out for a fishing excursion certainly ranks high on the list. Today was one of those days and the excitement was unstoppable! Check out this little video that showcases the dance necessary to attract fish apparently. Shortly after that dance we caught the smallest largemouth bass in history. Despite the size, Heston was excited. This weekend we are breaking away from the practice plug for his opportunity to catch his first fish.
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn away from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) It is this time together, laughing, sharing nature, bringing us closer to Gods great creations, no video game, TV show, or app can replace. This is the beginning of training them to be better men, teach them today to be gentlemen. If I am not the one influencing his life at this early age someone or something else will, and I quite honestly am not comfortable with a video game or TV-show being the principal influencer in my child’s life. Discipleship and ministry begins at home, as I watch him grow, I see all his mannerisms reflecting those who’ve influenced me in my past. Just the other morning he discovered the weather channel at the age of 4, he loves it and while TV isn’t a big part of our lives, there are worse things he could tune into, even on a channel dedicated to kids. He gets the weather channel influence from his Great Grandpa Stone, who would tune in for hours just as background noise we thought, however he could give you the forecast for anywhere in the country at any given moment. Side note, Great Grandpa Stone hasn’t been with us for over 20 years, and never got to meet Heston in person, but without a doubt he is smiling down on him and weather runs in the genes. Each day, as he walks, smiles, talks, crosses his legs, I see little bits of every family member myself included. Then he wants flip-flops to match mine, or wants to eat the same thing I am, including coffee! Now he has enough energy without added caffeine so we nix that part, but he does have a miniature coffee cup for some chocolate almond milk or other good stuff.
As I look back the greatest memories I have are those moments shared with my family. Dad, Mom, my grandparents, from a fishing trip to a creek, shopping trip with Mom or Saturday morning visits with Dad to the farm store or tire shop. These moments take top billing over any toys I owned, well there was that Evil Knievel kit that was awesome but seriously those moments together shaped me into the person I am today, and for that I am indebted to my family forever.
As we look forward to Father's day, let's celebrate those who invested in us and pay it forward to the next generation. ~Lew